Why Wear A Sports Bra?

It is advisable to wear a properly fitted sports bra during exercise as we don’t have any muscle in our breasts. Our breast tissue is supported by ligaments called Coopers ligaments. During exercise too much intense movement can cause our breast ligaments to stretch. Once the ligaments are stretched they are largely irreversible resulting in drooping and sagging.

Sports bras help to minimise breast movement by helping to hold everything in place. Breast movement during exercise can also cause discomfort and pain. Hence a good fitting sports bra will not only support the ligaments but may also minimise breast movement.

Materials used in the construction of sports bras have also evolved. With Advanced research and fabric development allowing some sports bras to regulate sweat as well as control of body temperature. Some fabrics used in the construction of sports bras have the ability to wick away sweat from the body keeping you cool and dry by increasing air flow. Other fabrics used in athletic wear are designed to be light weight but incredibly warm..

Ultimately whilst doing sports related activities you want to be comfortable. Sports bras are designed to offer more comfort during exercise than regular bras. they also tend to offer increased coverage and wider straps allowing for support and comfort as well as distributing breast tissue evenly.

A Sports bra is an important part of your gym kit.

Julie Lockett